— Institute of Chemistry Ceylon —

The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon (IchemC), incorporated by the Act of Parliament No.15 of 1972, has been in operation for over forty years as the National Professional body of chartered chemists in Sri Lanka. It is the successor to the Chemical Society of Ceylon which was founded in 1941.

The objectives of the Institute were to become a professional and academic institution with the purpose of promoting and advancing chemistry. Moreover, it is responsible for the education of chemistry at all levels, assisting the private and the public sectors and for catering to the interests of chemists in general. 

Our Vision

“To uplift the quality of life for a better world through the advancement of chemical sciences”

The Institute represents all branches of chemical sciences and the qualification that it grants, particularly the Graduateship Certificate (GIC), is accepted by the private and public sector organizations in Sri Lanka. The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK and the Royal Australian Chemical Institute have accepted the GIC qualification for admission to their societies. Moreover, many Universities in Sri Lanka and in foreign countries have accepted our qualification for students to pursue graduate and postgraduate studies in their Universities.

Our Mission

“To be the center of excellence in chemical sciences for the socio-economic development through education, research and innovation”