Important Dates

Call for Abstracts
Deadline has been extended to
15 March, 2020

Now Open


Galle Face Hotel, Colombo

Bask in the luxury and comfort of one of the oldest known lodgings in Sri Lanka. Having been bestowed with the title of “Best Heritage Hotel”, The Galle Face Hotel, Colombo carries the unique vibe of Sri Lankan culture and its long-gone history and this year, they have partnered with FCT 2020 to enliven its official proceedings.

Conference Highlight

Mini-Lab Expo

A Mini-Lab expo will be held parallelly with the poster sessions on 17 June 2020 in accordance with one of our specific objectives, which is to help create a platform for the commercialization of innovations in the scientific field. Exhibitors representing industries and businesses that are either peripheral and /or complementing the field of chemical technology are invited to participate by having a stall at the exhibition to display their respective products and services.

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